Evaluation of tachograph files

Evaluation of tachograph files

As you know, it is necessary to download files from the driver card as well as the tachograph itself and evaluate the data contained therein:

  • From the driver card every 28 days
  • From the tachograph every 90 days

This is why we have developed remote and automatic reading of .ESM and .DDD files from these media to ease the workload of this process. Today, however, thanks to the acquisition of INELO company, we can also offer the evaluation of these files using tools such as Tachoscan Web or Tachoscan. These tools are used by many clients but also by public authorities across the whole of Europe. If you also want to use this tool, please fill in the form on the following INELO company page. Afterwards, a sales person will contact you with an offer of services. In practice, the files can be automatically read, stored in Webdispecink and from there forwarded to the Tachoscan software for evaluation. The whole process is thus simplified as much as possible.

Evaluation of files from the tachograph