GSM corporate card reader

GSM corporate card reader

The GSM corporate card reader is a device that authorizes the remote reading of digital tachograph data. There is one reader designated for each corporate card. The GSM network enables authorization through the corporate card, with the reader’s SIM card an integral part. Authorization is required:

  • When data is archived remotely from a digital tachograph
  • In order to remotely archive the data from a driver card inserted in the tachograph

In addition, the reader can also charge mobile phones and be used as a stand for pencils and pens.

The GSM corporate card reader

Description of the GSM reader

The reader has the following parts:

  1. Slot for inserting corporate cards for authorization in the tachograph
  2. Room for up to six pens
  3. LEDs to verify that the reader is working
  4. USB port for charging external devices (e.g. phone, 1.5 A charging current)
  5. Charger port
  6. Power adapter (included)
The GSM corporate card reader

How to operate the GSM corporate card reader

Follow the instructions in the support section of the manual that comes with the GSM reader.